Why support local farms?

I am a farm nerd. I love spending my Saturdays farm-hopping around for fresh, local food...vegetables, fruit, eggs, fish, meat...you name it. If it's grown here, I like it.

I haven't always been this way; in fact, I was quite the opposite when I was on my fat-free, sugar-free "health" kick (which I know now was opposite of HEALTH). I was a major deal shopper hitting up Walmart to Aldi to Kroger..if they had coupons, I was there. I'm not knocking grocery stores, we still need them...

...or do we?

Why should we buy local food?

  • First of all, buying local supports local economy.  When you buy from a chain supermarket money goes to suppliers, marketers, and food processors. Farmers only see a small percentage of the profit. Buying local keeps your money local!
  • Local food is fresh and more nutritious.  Local food is harvested at its peak and you buy it fresh. Nutrients shipped from who-knows-where (insert geographical location here) lose nutrients in the process. 
  • It's healthier. Buying from a local, organic farm saves you from also eating chemicals (such as the "stuff" that ripens the food), wax (eww), and preservatives.
  • Local food is less likely to be contaminated. Think about the most recent romaine lettuce scare...I bought romaine lettuce too...from down the road, and mine wasn't contaminated!
  • Keeps you eating in-season foods. Our bodies want in-season foods. For example (just a couple of the many): we are meant to eat apples in fall. And spring's light, leafy foods can help shed excess winter weight to get ready for summer. In the summer we have cucumbers and watermelon to stay hydrated and cool down. Keep your body healthy by eating what it wants NOW. And if this isn't motivation to eat in-season, maybe this will: food purchased in-season is typically less expensive!

photo taken at Land of Delight Natural Farm, Plant City, FL
